List of C++ Keywords

List of Standard C++ Keywords

    With C++, you use the same keywords as the C keywords; which uses most of the same syntax. As C++ is a language with extended functions and usages, there are also more keywords which are C++ specific and extends the number of available keywords.

    C++ Keywords
    • asm
    • bool
    • catch
    • class
    • const_cast
    • delete
    • dynamic_cast
    • explicit
    • export
    • false
    • friend
    • mutable
    • namespace
    • new
    • operator
    • private
    • protected
    • public
    • reinterpret_cast
    • static_cast
    • template
    • this
    • throw
    • true
    • try
    • typeid
    • typename
    • using
    • virtual
    • wchar_t
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